[CAAS] Senior Manager / Manager (International Relations)

Location: Singapore
Contact email: careersrise@bcg.com
Published: 12 months ago
Startdate: 18 September 2023 - 18 September 2023

​What the role is

The role of the Manager / Senior Manager (International Relations) is to provide policy recommendations, plan and execute events and collaboration initiatives to engage and other countries and international organisations.

What you will be working on

Specifically, he/she will be in charge of:

• Providing policy recommendations

 Contribute to the development of IR policies and strategies to adopt, taking into consideration views and interests of various Divisions and Ministries

 Analyse aviation developments / policies around the world that could impact Singapore

 Drive engagement strategies of his/her assigned region

• Efforts to contribute to international civil aviation, including at the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)

 Drive the development of position papers on civil aviation issues with international implications, in consultation with other Divisions

 Support our Permanent Mission in ICAO and CAAS Divisions on positions to be taken on ICAO Working Papers, as well as involvement and contributions in ICAO Cou ncil, Committees and Working Groups

 Develop and coordinate engagement plans with our Permanent Mission to engage and partner key stakeholders and decision makers

• Relationship building with key stakeholders

 Foster a network with key partners and stakeholders both locally and internationally

 Planning and executing activities to profile Singapore’s standing in international civil aviation

 Plan and organise events, including high-level visits by international guests, official trips of CAAS principals, conferences, and other events involving international guests

 Drive preparations for events attended by CAAS principals, including writing speeches, drafting communications plans, compiling briefs and talking points, making travel arrangements, and executing on-site engagements

What we are looking for

• Excellent written and presentation skills

• Excellent communications skills

• Strong networking skills, with the ability to engage people at all levels

• Strong team player

• Keen interest in international affairs and policy-making

• Strong analytical, research, and organising skills

• Self-motivated and independent

• Prior experience in international relations, the government sector and/or being part of a major international event would be advantageous, but not necessary

Note: Your appointment designation will commensurate with your relevant work experience. Successful candidates will be offered a 3-year contract in the first instance, and may be considered for placement on a permanent tenure or subsequent contract renewal.